Two anglers holding up walleyes they caught fishing in Manitoba.

With the mornings starting off cool here in Manitoba it can only mean one thing, great Mantioba walleye fishing is upon us!

This trip found me making the five-hour trek from Grand Rapids, MN to central Manitoba on the Saskatchewan River at the mouth of Lake Winnipeg. With a 1 a.m. departure time, it was looking like we would get the morning bite in, and boy did we ever!

Northland Fishing Tackle items.

Whatā€™s unique about this region is there are no live minnows allowed. I was equipped with Northland Tackles ImpulseĀ® Reactionary Baits using the 3.5″ Paddle Minnow in the emerald shiner color tipped on my personal favorite 3/8oz Whistler JigĀ®. Also in my arsenal were the Buck-ShotĀ® Flutter Spoon, Buck-ShotĀ® Rattle Spoon, and the Macho MinnowĀ® Spoon.

Northland Fishing Tackle Puppet Minnow jig.

It wasn’t five minutes into the first cast when the first walleye was landed in the boat. After several hours of fishing, we decided to have a well-deserved shore lunch. Little did we know the afternoon bite would surpass the morning bite. With some minor tweaking and switching over to the Northland RZ Jig, I managed to keep the bite aggressive. With several freshwater drum, saugers, and well over 300 walleye are landed it was time to make the long journey home.

Thanks to Northland Tackle for producing and supplying tackle that truly works in every fishing condition. Till the next adventure, tight lines!

By Northland Pro Dwayne Ammeter

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